Sunday, April 17, 2016

APRIL Advisors Update- Andrew AND Herman!

Andrew and I had a Skype meeting on April 14th.  We talked about my previous conversation with Robyn and her advice with integrating an inert pigment into the pigment sheets.  Andrew brought up taking cheese cloth and submersing it in red ochre pigment to give it more stability.    We also talked about traveling with the acrylic sheets and how to bring them into Germany the most cost effective.  I had Andrew look at the paintings that I have on exhibition here in Denver.  His first comment was that he  enjoyed the green stripe that was behind the paintings.  He suggested incorporating painting on the wall and canvas into one piece.  I totally agreed with this suggestion, extending the pigment directly onto the wall.  He also said I need better quality pictures.  He suggested the movie Basquait, which I intend to watch with a glass of wine as soon as my paper is handed in:)  He also brought up coming up with a strategy for ruining paintings.  We also had great conversation about tapestry workshops and Goldins workshop in Paris.  All wonderful things!   Andrew has been a great addition to my experience at Transart and I have valued all of wonderful suggestions and comments!

Herman and I had a Skype meeting on April 15th. I had sent Herman a revised copy with his editing comments to him before and we discussed that the paper was on the right path and that I just need to finish.  I had questioned the validity of references and if I needed to directly cite them or if some could be used as just a general knowledge base.  Herman assured me that my sources were ok, and needed to have more support than less.     I had issues with my conclusion and we discussed that I am looking at it as the finale versus tying up loose ends.  Overall, it was a quick regrouping before finishing the paper.  I have two different people editing the paper and will then I will have Herman look at it and then it'll be done!   He is so supportive in me, my writing and my passion, it has been awesome in having Herman be a part of my artist tribe!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April Update!

April has been a busy month!  At the beginning of the month I started an exhibition of the Rooted in RED paintings.  It was incredible to see these painting out of the studio!  They were hung on a wall with a green band down the middle of the wall  and that made them sing! I am thrilled with how they turned out and they will be up for the entire month.  This Friday I have an artist talk about them and the project.  I am excited to be able to communicate the message of Rooted in RED with people from my community.  Below is a link of the paintings and an  installation shot.

I am finishing my paper and FINALLY just finished the reference material.  Looking back, I believe I bit off a little more than I could chew in regards to references, but I feel like that few one paragraph was worth it all I got out an entire book:)   I scheduled the next two months of Rooted in RED workshops that I am thrilled will be based off natural pigments and color theory!  I am excited to change the pace of the workshop a bit.    My polymer for the final MFA installation in Berlin is slowly trickling in and starting to play with inert pigments to help with keeping the acrylic sheets more consistent in dryness.  The goal is start pouring out sheets on May 15th!  

exhibition of Rooted in RED paintings at My Hair Trip in Denver, Colorado

Critique- skype time!

On April 4th, I had my critique with my lovely crit group!  My questions to the group were mainly geared towards the future of the project and the recent Rooted in RED paintings that are being exhibited right now.   My biggest feedback was the process and resources to making Rooted in RED a non-profit.  Deb had a lot of suggestions in regards to Board of Directors, funding, specifically youth funding.  She also asked a very good question, how do you see others involved?  It made me realize that I needed to address this project like no one knows about it!  Because no one does! ha!  But, I assume that this knowledge that I have gained over the past two years is evident and its not yet, I need to have a clear concise way to involve community members of all ages.  Robyn also agreed about Board of Directors and her big question is what is your mission statement?  Another question that I need to hone down to a simple, concise articulated message.  Robyn also in an additional skype conversation talked about labeling my paintings differently when I list materials.   I totally agreed and will start revisions!  We also talked about inert pigment and how that may help with the temperature change for my MFA installation in Berlin from CO to Berlin.  She shared words of wisdom about shipping there and checking it as baggage and additional ways to transport it.  Omayra ended with a great quote, Leap before you think!  I loved it, and she nailed it when she said be honest with yourself  GO DEEP! Also, that things will evolve and shift through out the life of my project but the core of the project will always need to remain the same.  Stephanie referred a book the Spell of Sensuous by David Abrams.  She also commented on how the  more organic paintings spoke to her more than the geometric paintings.
Overall, it was amazing and always encouraging to have such an amazing support system for a project.  That was a concern of mine,  that once TI is over, will I lose this amazing support, and these amazing ladies assured me that they are always there!  Thank you ladies, for your time, support and immense energy to give such amazing feedback.